A LETTER ADDRESSED TO CAESAR HAWKINS, Esqa SERJEANT SURGEON TO HIS MAJESTY, CONTAINING New Thoughts and Observations, on the Cure of the VENEREAL DISEASE; the Result of EXPERIENCE, in long and extensive Practice. : WITH A few extraordinary Cases in THAT DISEASE: particularly one of a Servant, belonging to his MAJESTY's Houshold; deemed entirely a lost Case: authenticated by the officers of His MAJESTY's Mews. /

Hlavní autor:
Hales, Charles ( Autor )
Další autoři:
Wheble, J. ( Nakladatel, vydavatel )
Dixwell, J. ( Tiskař )
Sealy and Alexander ( Tiskař )
Typ dokumentu: Kniha
Jazyk: angličtina
Vydavatel: LONDON : Printed and sold by J. WHEBLE, in Pater-noster-Row; J. ALMON, in Piccadilly; J. DIXWELL, in St. Martin's Lane; J. WILLIAMS, in Fleet-Street; the Pamphlet Shops at the Royal Exchange; F. WATERS, in Bedford-Street, Covent-Garden; T. FLETCHER, at Oxford; T. WOODYER, at Cambridge; SEALY and ALEXANDER, at Salisbury; and M. CROUSE, at Norwich, [1750].
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