The Moho Structure in The Western Eger Rift: A Receiver Function Experiment /

We used teleseismic recordings of a temporary deployment of seismic stations and of permanent short period stations in the western Eger Rift system to study the lithosphere with the help of Receiver Functions. The crust-mantle boundary (Moho) is observed at almost all stations by strong P-to-S conve...

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Hlavní autor:
Geissler, Wolfram ( Autor )
Další autoři:
Plenefisch, Thomas ( Autor )
Typ dokumentu: Článek
Jazyk: angličtina
ISSN: 0039-3169
Zdroj: Studia geophysica et geodaetica : a journal of geophysics, meteorology and climatology, geodesy.: Roč. 44, č. 2 (2000), s. 188-194.
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