Contribution of the Institute of Geonics of the ASCR Ostrava to seismological monitoring in Silesia and Northern Moravia /

The paper presents selected results of seismological observations in Silesia and northern Moravia between 01/2004 - 08/2008, which are based on interpretation of three-component digital recordings at solitary seismic stations operated by the Institute of Geonics of the ASCR Ostrava (IGN) distributed...

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Hlavní autor:
Holub, Karel ( Autor )
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Typ dokumentu: Článek
Jazyk: angličtina
ISSN: 1214-9705
Zdroj: Acta geodynamica et geomaterialia: Vol. 6, no. 3 (155) (2009), s. 391-398.
Externí odkaz: Plný text
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