The application of morphostructural analysis and its validation by comparison with documented faults within the Zlaté Hory ore district (the northeastern part of the Bohemian massif) /

The goal of this study is to determine the validity of morpholineaments network that was inferred based on morphostructural analysis of digital elevation model (DEM), by crosschecking with documented faults. The test field has been spread over the exploitation areas in the Zlaté Hory ore district. V...

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Hlavní autor:
Jelínek, Jan ( Autor )
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Typ dokumentu: Článek
Jazyk: angličtina
ISSN: 1214-9705
Zdroj: Acta geodynamica et geomaterialia: Vol. 10, no. 1 (169) (2013), s. 5-17.
Externí odkaz: Plný text
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