Kapitoly z ošetřovatelské péče v chirurgii a traumatologii

Autor: Ševčíková Blažena
Popis: The study text is focused on providing nursing care to patients with selected diseases of surgery and traumatology. The contents of individual chapters are objectives, keywords, overview of selected diseases of surgery and traumatology, examples of model situations, examples of nursing diagnoses according to NANDA International taxonomy, examples of planning of results and interventions of nursing care and notes. The content is focused on examination methods of selected diseases of surgery and traumatology. The text contains the current list of literature at the end of each chapter. The text is suitable for non-medical students, especially nurses and others who provide nursing care to patients with surgical or traumatological diseases. The last chapter dedicate problematics delirium.
Databáze: eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)