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This publication is a sincere attempt to document the prevalent ornamental plants found in gardens and landscapes today. The book commences with an introductory section that outlines the primary plant categories. The subsequent sections are organized according to the plants natural habitats and provide information on their scientific names, common names, and family classifications. Additionally, each entry includes a brief description and details about the plants ornamental features. This comprehensive guide covers a wide range of taxonomic groups, including trees, shrubs, herbs, climbers, creepers, cacti, succulents, bromeliads, ferns, grasses, bamboos, sedges, and ornamental water garden plants. The book also devotes separate sections to flowering and foliage trees of tropical and subtropical gardens, as well as popular deciduous and coniferous trees of temperate zones. The book includes approximately 250 color photographs and an index of scientific names and families. The author has prepared this volume for gardening enthusiasts and professionals alike, serving as a guide for identifying garden plants and selecting ornamentals suitable for various locations and climatic conditions. |