Reporting From the Wars 1850 – 2015: The Origins and Evolution of the War Correspondent

Autor: Turner, Barry, Barredo, Daniel, Grattan, Steven James
Popis: From the foundations of the world's first great empires to the empires of today, war has preoccupied human civilisation for as many as 4000 years. It has fascinated, horrified, thrilled, confused, inspired and disgusted mankind since records began. Provoking such a huge range of emotions and reactions and fulfilling all the elements of newsworthiness, it is hardly surprising that war makes ‘good'news. Modern technological advancements, such as the camera and television, brought the brutality of war into the homes and daily lives of the public. No longer a far-away and out-of-sight affair, the public's ability to ‘see'what was happening on the frontline changed not only how wars were fought but why they were fought. Even when a war is considered ‘popular,'the involvement of the press and the weight of public opinion has led to criticisms that have transformed modern warfare almost in equal measure to the changes brought about by weapon technology. War reporting seeks to look beyond the official story, to understand the very nature of conflict whilst acknowledging that it is no longer simply good versus evil.
Databáze: eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)