Cyberspace: Trends, Perspectives and Opportunities

Autor: Mack, Inez, Payne, Rene
Popis: In this collection, the authors discuss spying, a term which recounts a historical period marked by intense international tensions related to ideological motivations which led to military clashes. The Cold War was marked with spies between the West and the Soviet bloc comprised of intrigue, murder, stolen secrets, double agents, and effective technology. Following this, this book assesses the attitudes of US voters concerning upgrading US voting technology, maintaining that securing US voting technology is necessary to preserve US democracy. Finally, the authors demonstrate how the classical view of cyberspace as a parallel territory to the physical space-world, which humans can enter and leave at will, has become obsolete, as cyberspace has combined with physical space.
Databáze: eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)