Dialogy zoufalců: poetika a struktury: Dialogické texty o smyslu lidské existence v nejstarších světových literaturách a v literaturách středoevropského areálu

Autor: Eva Niklesová
Popis: The publication is concerned with the productivity of one of the ancient Egyptian works, “The Dispute of a man with his Ba”, in the context of worldwide literature. In this way, it determines a group of formally related works and captures their essence on several planes (namely: the plane of composition, style and poetology, semantics, and genre). The presence of archetypal elements in “The Dispute of a man with his Ba” became a prerequisite for the occurrence of other similarly built texts, including those from totally different geographical and cultural conditions. The book perceives “The Dispute of a man with his Ba” as an archetypal text model upon which the degree of the form affinity with similar dialogical texts is determined, especially those created within the oldest literatures of the world and within the literature of the Central European area.
Databáze: eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)