Reports of the AAAI 2008 Spring Symposia.

Autor: Marcello Balduccini1, Chitta Baral2, Boyan Brodaric, Simon Colton3, Peter Fox, David Gutelius4, Knut Hinkelmann5, Ian Horswill6, Bernardo Huberman7, Eva Hudlicka, Kristina Lerman8, Christine Lisetti9, Deborah McGuinness10, Mary Lou Maher, Mark A. Musen11, Mehran Sahami12, Derek Sleeman13, Barbara Thônssen14, Juan Velasquez, Dan Ventura15
Zdroj: AI Magazine. Fall2008, Vol. 29 Issue 3, p107-115. 9p.
Abstrakt: The Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) was pleased to present the AAAI 2008 Spring Symposium Series, held Wednesday through Friday, March 26-28, 2008, at Stanford University, California. The eight symposia were titled (1) Al Meets Business Rules and Process Management, (2) Architectures for Intelligent Theory-Based Agents, (3) Creative Intelligent Systems, (4) Emotion, Personality, and Social Behavior, (5) Semantic Scientific Knowledge Integration, (6) Social In formation Processing, (7) Symbiotic Relationships between Semantic Web and Knowledge Engineering, (8) Using Al to Motivate Greater Participation in Computer Science. The goal of the Al Meets Business Rules and Process Management AAAI symposium was to investigate the various approaches and standards to represent business rules, business process management, and the semantic web with respect to expressiveness and reasoning capabilities. The focus of the Architectures for Intelligent Theory-Based Agents AAAI symposium was the definition of architectures for intelligent theory-based agents, comprising languages, knowledge representation methodologies, reasoning algorithms, and control loops. The Creative Intelligent Systems symposium included five major discussion sessions and a general poster session (in which all contributing papers were presented). The purpose of this symposium was to explore the synergies between creative cognition and intelligent systems. The goal of the Emotion, Personality, and Social Behavior symposium was to examine fundamental issues in affect and personality in both biological and artificial agents, focusing on the roles of these factors in mediating social behavior. The Semantic Scientific Knowledge Integration symposium brought together the semantic technologies community with the scientific information technology community in an effort to build the general semantic science information community. The Social Information Processing symposium ~s goal was to investigate computational and analytic approaches that will enable users to harness the efforts of large numbers of other users to solve a variety of information processing problems, from discovering high-quality content to managing common resources. The goal of the Symbiotic Relationships between the Semantic Web and Software Engineering symposium was to explore how the lessons learned by the knowledge-engineering community over the past three decades could be applied to the bold research agenda of current workers in semantic web technologies. The purpose of the Using Al to Motivate Greater Participation in Computer Science symposium was to identify ways that topics in Al may be used to motivate greater student participation in computer science by highlighting fun, engaging, and intellectually challenging developments in the Al-related curriculum at a number of educational levels. Technical reports of the symposia were published by AAAI Press. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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