Impact of Electronic Journals: The Cedars-Sinai Experience.

Autor: Snape, Margaret F.1, Soben, Phyllis2, Jacobs, William T.1, Halub, Lisa Parker3
Zdroj: Journal of Hospital Librarianship. 2001, Vol. 1 Issue 1, p61-72. 12p. 1 Chart, 5 Graphs.
Abstrakt: In June 1998, the Medical Library at Cedars-Sinai Health System began offering full-text journals on the Medical Center's intranet. The librarians collected and analyzed usage data to see if and how full-text use impacted the use of the online databases system and the library's print journal collection. Statistics documented a dramatic increase in system use with the addition of the online journals. Both the number of interactive sessions and the number of hours spent on the OVID system increased significantly. Access from outside the library increased. In one year, use of online journals increased to 60% of total journal use (print and online), but print journal use did not decrease. The statistics have been used to increase the budget for online journals, to adjust the number of user licenses and to gain support for additional funding. The popularity of full-text journals gives librarians opportunities to promote themselves as educators, consultants, and negotiators. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]
Databáze: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts