'rubrikator osnovnykh informatsionnykh izdanii sssr' i ego ispol'zovanie. (subject headings list for main soviet informational publications and its use.)

Autor: Chernova, T S (AUTHOR), Kureeva, N S (AUTHOR), Razumova, V G (AUTHOR), Tsukerman, E M (AUTHOR)
Zdroj: Nauchno- Tekhnicheskaya Informatsiya. Series 1. 1975, Vol. 1 Issue 3, p24-32. 9p.
Abstrakt: The subject headings list of main soviet informational publications (moscow, viniti, 1974) is discussed. It covers 2,200 publications issued by all-union and sectoral information organs, which it describes in a general and systematic way. The structure, reference and retrieval tools and principal ways of using the list are described. The principal classification series of the list is scrutinized; it reflects information flows in all fields of science, engineering, industry, and economy. The article is expected to be useful to information staff. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts