TT8: Training issues in the e-learning environment.

Autor: Holloway, Sue1
Zdroj: SCONUL Focus. Summer/Autumn2004, Issue 32, p62-64. 3p.
Abstrakt: This article presents information related to training issues in the e-learning environment. After a welcome and introduction from Fiona Parsons, an overview by Patsy Cullen, Director of Learning and Teaching at York St John College described e-learning and its impact on library and information services staff. The purpose of Patsy's session was to consider what e-learning is, how it might impact on library and information services staff and what an e-learning library and information service might look like. E-learning is a topical issue being driven nationally through the 2001 White Paper on higher education and the DfES and HEFCE draft e-learning strategies. Local drivers for e-learning include 'anytime, anyplace' access, perceived efficiencies, student expectations, quality enhancement and cultural change. On the other hand, the failure of the UKeU shows muddled thinking about e-learning which needs to be unravelled if student needs are to be supported effectively. It was suggested that this confusion is caused by the spectrum of approaches to e-learning.
Databáze: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts