Visuella kulturstudier

Přispěvatelé: Hällgren, Anna-Maria, Näslund, Anna
Jazyk: švédština
Rok vydání: 2024
Druh dokumentu: book
DOI: 10.16993/bck
Popis: The ability to analyze, historicize, and examine images and image flows cannot be overestimated today. But how is it possible to take an analytical approach to contemporary and historical visual cultures, which are often characterized by a substantial fragmentation? In visual culture studies, the empirical possibilities can remain numerous, provided that it is above all the research questions and not a predetermined material – that drive the analysis. This book is aimed at those who wish to deepen and develop their knowledge of images and visual communication. Through empirically grounded texts, the book provides analytical tools to examine how images have been and are part of the construction, transmission, and consolidation of knowledge and experience, as well as how images can express values, ideologies, and aesthetic norms.
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