Chapter Citizen science based marine environmental monitoring. The MOANA60 Experience

Autor: Viola, Alberto, Zanardi, Sara, Cunico, Ilaria, Pino, Nicola, Diviacco, Paolo, Iurcev, Massimiliano, Carbajales, Rodrigo Jose, busato, alessandro, BURCA, MIHAI, Potleca, Nikolas
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Druh dokumentu: chapter
DOI: 10.36253/979-12-215-0030-1.40
Popis: Sea water quality monitoring is extremely demanding and expensive. This results in the sea being largely under-sampled. To solve this OGS developed innovative technologies to be used within a citizen science approach. The simultaneous installation of remote sensing devices on boats of opportunity allows to build a monitoring infrastructure able to acquire, process, validate and display in real-time georeferenced data on a web portal. This work reports on a survey done in collaboration with the Moana 60 Lab initiative in the South Thyrrenian Sea.
Databáze: OAPEN Library