The biospheric emergency calls for scientists to change tactics

Autor: Racimo, Fernando, Valentini, Elia, Rijo De León, Gaston, Santos, Teresa L., Norberg, Anna, Atmore, Lane Margaret, Murray, Myranda, Hakala, Sanja M., Olsen, Frederik Appel, Gardner, Charlie J., Halder, Julia B.
Zdroj: Racimo, Fernando Valentini, Elia Rijo De León, Gaston Santos, Teresa L. Norberg, Anna Atmore, Lane Margaret Murray, Myranda Hakala, Sanja M. Olsen, Frederik Appel Gardner, Charlie J. Halder, Julia B. . The biospheric emergency calls for scientists to change tactics. eLIFE. 2022, 11
Databáze: NORA (Norwegian Open Research Archive)