The Atmospheric Response to High Nonthermal Electron-beam Fluxes in Solar Flares. II. Hydrogen-broadening Predictions for Solar Flare Observations with the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope

Autor: Kowalski, Adam F., Allred, Joel C., Carlsson, Mats, Kerr, Graham S., Tremblay, Pier-Emmanuel, Namekata, Kosuke, Kuridze, David, Uitenbroek, Han
Zdroj: Kowalski, Adam F. Allred, Joel C. Carlsson, Mats Kerr, Graham S. Tremblay, Pier-Emmanuel Namekata, Kosuke Kuridze, David Uitenbroek, Han . The Atmospheric Response to High Nonthermal Electron-beam Fluxes in Solar Flares. II. Hydrogen-broadening Predictions for Solar Flare Observations with the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope. The Astrophysical Jo
The Astrophysical Jo
Databáze: NORA (Norwegian Open Research Archive)