Quartz chemistry of granitic pegmatites: Implications for classification, genesis and exploration

Autor: Müller, Axel, Keyser, William, Simmons, William B., Webber, Karen, Wise, Michael, Beurlen, Hartmut, Garate-Olave, I., Roda-Robles, E., Galliski, Miguel Ángel
Zdroj: Müller, Axel Keyser, William Simmons, William B. Webber, Karen Wise, Michael Beurlen, Hartmut Garate-Olave, I. Roda-Robles, E. Galliski, Miguel Ángel . Quartz chemistry of granitic pegmatites: Implications for classification, genesis and exploration. Chemical Geology. 2021, 584
Chemical Geology
Databáze: NORA (Norwegian Open Research Archive)