Conversation patterns between children with severe speech impairment and their conversation partners in dyadic and multi-person interactions

Autor: Drosopoulou, Christina Sotiropoulou, Murray, Janice, Smith, Martine M., Launonen, Kaisa, Neuvonen, Kirsi, Lynch, Yvonne, Stadskleiv, Kristine, von Tetzchner, Stephen
Zdroj: Drosopoulou, Christina Sotiropoulou Murray, Janice Smith, Martine M. Launonen, Kaisa Neuvonen, Kirsi Lynch, Yvonne Stadskleiv, Kristine von Tetzchner, Stephen . Conversation patterns between children with severe speech impairment and their conversation partners in dyadic and multi-person interactions. Applied Linguistics. 2021, 1-22
Applied Linguistics
Databáze: NORA (Norwegian Open Research Archive)