Stratification of Stage III colon cancer may identify a patient group not requiring adjuvant chemotherapy

Autor: Malik, Yasir Gulzar, Lyckander, Lars Gustav, Lindstrøm, Jonas Christoffer, Vinge-Holmquist, Olof, Sheikh, Ariba E., Schultz, Johannes Kurt, Ignjatovic, Dejan
Zdroj: Malik, Yasir Gulzar Lyckander, Lars Gustav Lindstrøm, Jonas Christoffer Vinge-Holmquist, Olof Sheikh, Ariba E. Schultz, Johannes Kurt Ignjatovic, Dejan . Stratification of Stage III colon cancer may identify a patient group not requiring adjuvant chemotherapy. Jo
Databáze: NORA (Norwegian Open Research Archive)