Wireless motility capsule compared with scintigraphy in the assessment of diabetic gastroparesis

Autor: Sangnes, Dag André, Softeland, Eirik, Bekkelund, Mattis, Frey, Jakub, Biermann, Martin, Gilja, Odd Helge, Dimcevski, Georg Gjorgji
Zdroj: Sangnes, Dag André Softeland, Eirik Bekkelund, Mattis Frey, Jakub Biermann, Martin Gilja, Odd Helge Dimcevski, Georg Gjorgji . Wireless motility capsule compared with scintigraphy in the assessment of diabetic gastroparesis. Neurogastroenterology and Motility. 2019, 00:e13771, 1-11
Neurogastroenterology and Motility
Databáze: NORA (Norwegian Open Research Archive)