Echidna: Integrated simulations of single-cell immune receptor repertoires and transcriptomes

Autor: Han, Jiami, Masserey, Solène, Shlesinger, Danielle, Kuhn, Raphael, Papadopoulou, Chrysa, Agrafiotis, Andreas, Kreiner, Victor, Dizerens, Raphael, Hong, Kai-Lin, Weber, Cedric, Greiff, Victor, Oxenius, Annette, Reddy, Sai T, Yermanos, Alexander
Zdroj: Han, Jiami Masserey, Solène Shlesinger, Danielle Kuhn, Raphael Papadopoulou, Chrysa Agrafiotis, Andreas Kreiner, Victor Dizerens, Raphael Hong, Kai-Lin Weber, Cedric Greiff, Victor Oxenius, Annette Reddy, Sai T Yermanos, Alexander . Echidna: Integrated simulations of single-cell immune receptor repertoires and transcriptomes. Bioinformatics Advances. 2022, 2(1), 1-10
Bioinformatics Advances
Databáze: NORA (Norwegian Open Research Archive)