Indirect CT venography of the lower extremities: impact of scan delay and patient factors on contrast enhancement and examination quality

Autor: Tran, Thien Trung, Kristiansen, Cathrine Helgestad, Thomas, Owen Matthew Truscott, Roy, Sumit K, Haidl, Frans Felxi, Ashraf, Haseem, Kløw, Nils-Einar, Stavem, Knut, Lauritzen, Peter Mæhre
Zdroj: Tran, Thien Trung Kristiansen, Cathrine Helgestad Thomas, Owen Matthew Truscott Roy, Sumit K Haidl, Frans Felxi Ashraf, Haseem Kløw, Nils-Einar Stavem, Knut Lauritzen, Peter Mæhre . Indirect CT venography of the lower extremities: impact of scan delay and patient factors on contrast enhancement and examination quality. European Radiology. 2022, 32(11), 7946-7955
European Radiology
Databáze: NORA (Norwegian Open Research Archive)