Supplementation with a probiotic mixtureaccelerates gut microbiome maturation and reducesintestinal inflammation in extremely preterm infants

Autor: Samara, Jumana, Moossavi, Shirin, Alshaikh, Belal, Ortega, Van A., Pettersen, Veronika K., Ferdous, Tahsin, Hoops, Suzie L., Soraisham, Amuchou, Vayalumkal, Joseph, Dersch-Mills, Deonne, Gerber, Jeffrey S., Mukhopadhyay, Sagori, Puopolo, Karen, Tompkins, Thomas A., Knights, Dan, Walter, Jens, Amin, Harish, Arrieta, Marie-Claire
Zdroj: Samara, Moossavi, Alshaikh B, Ortega, Pettersen V, Ferdous, Hoops, Soraisham, Vayalumkal, Dersch-Mills, Gerber, Mukhopadhyay, Puopolo, Tompkins TA, Knights, Walter J, Amin, Arrieta M. Supplementation with a probiotic mixtureaccelerates gut microbiome maturation and reducesintestinal inflammation in extremely preterm infants. Cell Host and Microbe. 2022
Databáze: NORA (Norwegian Open Research Archive)