Perspectives for systems biology in the management of tuberculosis

Autor: Kontsevaya, Irina, Lange, Christoph, Comella-Del-barrio, Patricia, Coarfa, Cristian, Dinardo, Andrew R., Gillespie, Stephen H., Hauptmann, Matthias, Leschczyk, Christoph, Mandalakas, Anna M., Martinecz, Antal, Merker, Matthias, Niemann, Stefan, Reimann, Maja, Rzhepishevska, Olena, Schaible, Ulrich E., Scheu, Katrin M., Schurr, Erwin, Abel zur Wiesch, Pia, Heyckendorf, Jan
Zdroj: Kontsevaya, Lange, Comella-Del-barrio, Coarfa, Dinardo, Gillespie, Hauptmann, Leschczyk, Mandalakas, Martinecz, Merker, Niemann, Reimann, Rzhepishevska, Schaible, Scheu, Schurr, Abel zur Wiesch, Heyckendorf. Perspectives for systems biology in the management of tuberculosis. European Respiratory Review. 2021;30(160):1-16
Databáze: NORA (Norwegian Open Research Archive)