A conformational change of complement C5 is required for thrombin-mediated cleavage, revealed by a novel ex vivo human whole blood model preserving full thrombin activity

Autor: Nilsson, Per, Johnson, Christina, Quach, Huy Quang, Macpherson, Alex, Durrant, Oliver, Pischke, Soeren, Fure, Hilde, Landsem, Anne, Bergseth, Grete, Schjalm, Camilla, Haugaard-Kedström, Linda M., Huber-Lang, Markus, van den Elsen, Jean, Brekke, Ole-Lars, Mollnes, Tom Eirik
Zdroj: Nilsson, Johnson, Quach, Macpherson, Durrant, Pischke, Fure, Landsem, Bergseth, Schjalm, Haugaard-Kedström, Huber-Lang, van den Elsen, Brekke, Mollnes. A conformational change of complement C5 is required for thrombin-mediated cleavage, revealed by a novel ex vivo human whole blood model preserving full thrombin activity. Jo
Databáze: NORA (Norwegian Open Research Archive)