Service and boundary negotiations for children with complex care needs in Europe

Autor: Brenner, Maria, O' Shea, Miriam, Clancy, Anne, Lundstroem, Stine, Larkin, Philip, Lignou, Sapfo, Luzi, Daniela, Olaso, Elena Montanana, Alma, Manna, Pecoraro, Fabrizio, Satherley, Rose-Marie, Tamburis, Oscar, Taylor, Keishia, Warters, Austin, Wolfe, Ingrid, Berry, Jay, Noctor, Colman, Hilliard, Carol
Zdroj: Brenner M, O' Shea, Clancy A, Lundstroem, Larkin P, Lignou S, Luzi D, Olaso EM, Alma M, Pecoraro, Satherley R, Tamburis O, Taylor, Warters A, Wolfe I, Berry J, Noctor, Hilliard C: Service and boundary negotiations for children with complex care needs in Europe. In: Blair M. Issues and opportunities in primary health-care for children in Europe. The Final Summarised Resultsof the Models of Child HealthAppraised (MOCHA) Project, 2019. Emerald Group Publishing Limited p. 199-218
Databáze: NORA (Norwegian Open Research Archive)