Energy supplementation for beef steers grazing tropical grass (Brachiaria brizantha, cv Marandu) managed under rotational system with different initial sward heights

Autor: Dorea, João Ricardo Rebouças
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2014
Druh dokumentu: Tese de Doutorado
Popis: Two trials were conducted simultaneously to evaluate the effects of energy supplementation for cattle grazing tropical pastures managed with different initial sward heights on DMI and ruminal fermentation of cattle grazing intensively managed tropical grass during the rainy season. Eight 24-month-old rumen-cannulated Nellore steers were used per trial (Trial 1: 300 kg BW ± 5.97, Trial 2: 343 kg BW ± 7.40) allocated in two 4x4 Latin squares. Treatments corresponded to 0 (mineral supplementation) and a 0.3 (0.3% of BW of ground corn as fed basis) combined with 2 pre-grazing sward heights (25 and 35 cm). The stubble height was 15 cm. In the second trial the level of supplementation was 0.6% BW of ground corn as fed basis. Steers were managed in 2 ha of Palisadegrass pasture (Brachiaria brizantha marandu). Pastures were fertilized with 120 kg nitrogen/ha and averaged 13.8 and 11.0% CP and 58.8 and 63.4% NDF, for 25 and 35 cm, respectively The forage and the diet DM and CP digestibility were greater (P0.05) by pasture management. Supplementing energy at 0.3% (trial 1) increased (P0.05) by supplementing energy at 0.3% while increasing energy supplementation to 0.6% was effective to increase total DMI and energy intake of cattle grazing tropical forage, independent of initial sward height. Energy supplementation decreased (P0.05) any other grazing behavior parameter. Supplementing grazing cattle with 0.3% had no effect (P>0.05) on rumen pH, N retention and microbial synthesis, increased (P0.05). The pre-grazing sward height of 25 cm and feeding energy supplement at 0.6% of BW were efficient strategies to increase energy intake of cattle grazing Palisadegrass.
Dois experimentos foram conduzidos simultaneamente, para avaliar o uso da suplementação energética para bovinos manejados em diferentes alturas de entrada na pastagem. Foram usados 8 novilhos Nelore canulados no rumen por experimento (Exp. 1: 300 kg de PC ± 5,97, Exp. 2: 343 kg PC ± 7,40) distribuídos em 2 quadrados latinos 4x4. Os tratamentos para o Exp. 1 foram 0 (suplementação mineral) e 0,3 (0,3% do PC em milho moído) combinados com 2 alturas de entrada (25 e 35 cm). A altura de saída foi 15 cm. No Exp. 2 o nível de suplementação foi 0,6% do PC em milho moído. Os animais foram manejados em 2 ha de Capim Marandu, os quais foram adubados com 120 kg de N/há, apresentando valores médios de 13,8 e 11,0% de PB e 58,8 e 63,4% de FDN para pastos de 25 and 35 cm, respectivamente. A DMS e DPB da forragem e da dieta foram maiores (P0,05) pelo manejo da pastagem. A suplementação em 0,3% (Exp. 1) aumentou (P0,05) pela suplementação em 0,3%, enquanto o nível de 0,6% foi efetivo em aumentar o CMS total e de energia de bovinos mantidos em pastagem tropical, independente do manejo da pastagem. A suplementação reduziu o tempo de pastejo (P0,05) o pH ruminal, a retenção de N e síntese microbia, mas aumentaram (P0,05). A altura de pré-pastejo de 25 cm e a suplementação energética de 0,6% do PC foram estratégias eficientes para aumentar o consumo de energia de bovinos mantidos em pastagens de Capim Marandu.
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