A Study of Job Satisfaction Among Faculty Members of Nursing Colleges in Thailand

Autor: Pitr Thongchant
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1987
Druh dokumentu: Thesis or Dissertation
Popis: The purpose of this study was to investigate job satisfaction among full-time faculty members of nursing colleges in Thailand, by using the Faculty Job Satisfaction /Dissatisfaction Scale developed by Olin R. Wood. The investigation was based on the ten factors of job satisfaction selected from the Herzberg Motivation-Hygiene theory as follows: achievement, growth, interpersonal relations, policy and administration, recognition, responsibility, salary, supervision, work itself, and working conditions. The questionnaire consisted of 68 items, using a six-point rating scale for ten factors of job satisfaction. The population consisted of 621 full-time nursing faculty members in twenty-one nursing colleges across the country of Thailand. A total of 408 nursing faculty members or 65.70 percent of the population participated in this study. Frequencies, percentage, one-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA, regression analysis, and coefficience of concordance W. were used in the follow-up investigation, with the level of significance at .05.
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