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This disertation focuses on people with mental disabilities, the way in which they could be integrated into society, and possibilites for them to achieve their sporting ambitions within the Paralympics.This research would not have been possible to carry out without the information obtained from the Research Library of South Bohemiaand its archives in Ceske Budejovice.The first part of this research explains what mental disabilities can consist of. It gives a detailed definition of mental disabilities, talks about different types of mental disabilities and its characteristics, and the influence these characteristics might have on an individual's personality. Furthermore, it talks about what causes mental disabilities to occur, how it develops throughout an individual's life, and how to possibly prevent such occurances. An important part of this research involves discussions concerning individuals with Down Syndrom and Authism, what causes these disabilities, and the different behaviours that are visible what causes these disabilities, and the different behaviours that are visible amongst these cases. The second part of the research discusses the Paralympics, in particular the Czech Association of Paralympics. It concentrates on the organisation's structure, its foundation, as well as looking at the goals and different activites it covers. |