Studium extracelulárních placentárně specifických mikroRNA v mateřské cirkulaci a jejich možné využití v klinické diagnostice těhotenských komplikací

Autor: Kotlabová, Kateřina
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2017
Druh dokumentu: Doctoral Thesis
Popis: Objectiees: Our etudy inieetigated the poeeible utliiaton of extracellular microRNAAe ae noiel non-iniaeiie biomarkere for diaignoetce of preignancy-related complicatone euch ae igeetatonal hyperteneion (GH), preeclampeia (PE) and fetal igrowth reetricton (FGR). Firet, we identifed appropriate preignancy-aeeociated (placenta epeciifc) microRNAAe in maternal circulaton in preignanciee with normal couree of igeetaton. Then, we quantifed eelected extracellular C19MC microRNAAe in maternal circulaton oiertme in normally proigreeeinig preignanciee. Subeequently, we compared C19MC microRNAA expreeeion proiflee in maternal circulaton between preignanciee with clinically eetabliehed preignancy-related complicatone (PE, FGR, GH) and igeetatonal-aige-matched controle. Finally, monitorinig of eelected placenta epeciifc C19MC microRNAAe in maternal circulaton within the ifret trimeeter of igeetaton wae performed with the aim to identfy extracellular C19MC microRNAAe able to diferentate between normal preignanciee and thoee at riek of eubeequent deielopment of preignancy- related complicatone. Reeultes: The leiele and expreeeion proiflee of extracellular placental epeciifc microRNAAe in circulaton of non-preignant indiiiduale and preignant women were performed ueinig real- tme RT-PCR. The eelecton of...
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