Pomoc nebo překážka? Pohledy zaměstnance na použitelnosti elektronických záznamů (EPR) pro plánování péče o lidi s demencí v pečovatelských domech: komparativní případová studie

Autor: Shiells, Kate
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Druh dokumentu: Doctoral Thesis
Popis: Charles University Faculty of Humanities Longevity Studies More of a hindrance than a help? Staff perspectives on the usability of Electronic Patient Records for planning and delivering dementia care in nursing homes: a multiple case study Summary of the dissertation Author: Mgr. Kate Shiells Supervisor: Doc. MUDr. Iva Holmerová, Ph.D. Prague 2020 2 Abstract Nursing homes are more frequently turning to the electronic patient record (EPR) to manage documentation. Potential benefits associated with EPR include the storage of longitudinal information, interoperability, and improved documentation quality. However, the uptake of EPR in nursing homes has varied considerably across countries, which has been associated with the incompatibility of some EPR systems with this environment. Furthermore, the suitability of EPR for planning dementia care is largely unknown. This study aims to produce recommendations for the future development of EPR systems for use in the assessment and care planning for people with dementia in nursing homes. Case studies of three nursing homes using EPR in Belgium, Czech Republic, and Spain were conducted. There are two elements to the study: (i) the contextual inquiry method is employed to explore usability issues with different types of end users. Data is analysed using qualitative...
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