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Diploma thesis deals with ash dieback, caused by fungus pathogen Hymenoscyphus fraxineus. This is a summary of the available knowledge in literature concerning the problematic of the disease. Research activities were focused on monitoring of this patogen spread in the area of Moravia and eastern Bohemia, with emphasis on forest-typological diversity of habitats and the percentage of ash in the stands. 434 stands of ash were evaluated and the rate of health condition damage of trees with H. fraxineus presence depending on various factors was investigated. Dependence of damage of health status was not determinated as a function of LVS of Plíva (1987) (forest vegetation altitude stage), edaphic category or ecological range of Plíva (1987) as well as age stage of ash, stocking, other tree species composition, location and year of evaluation. Vice versa factors of damage on nature of ashes sites (SLT according Plíva 1987), mixing type and forest regeneration type were significant. |