Dynamika agrárního obchodu mezi Evropskou unií a zeměmi v regionu západní Afrika

Autor: Křížová, Rea
Jazyk: čeština
Rok vydání: 2017
Druh dokumentu: masterThesis
Popis: This thesis aims to identify and subsequently analyse the agrarian foreign trade dynamics between the European Union and the countries of West Africa. All data are monitored over the last two decades and show the development trends of the agrarian sector in the relationship between EU 28 and West Africa as a whole; the author subsequently described selected countries of West Africa in detail. The first part of the thesis presents basic starting points for further analytical work. It is presented in the form of a literature review and includes theoretical insights into international trade and its development, points out the influence of globalisation and regionalisation and their impact on the agrarian trade. The first phase of the practical part deals with the territorial and commodity structure of trade where the development and position of the European Union in relation to the countries of West Africa is defined. The key product groups are identified and are evaluated in terms of selected attributes. Both the West Africa as whole and individual countries of the West African region were analysed from the point of view of being a global partner in the foreign trade. A retrospective assessment shows the importance of ongoing market liberalisation and the importance of the European Union as a trading partner for the area in question. In the last part, the possibilities of Czech foreign trade were analysed in the context of cooperation with the West African countries.
Databáze: Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations