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The impact of the maintenance management of the vineyard on the weed spectrum was evaluated in the first part of the dissertation thesis. Actual weed infestation was assessed by phytoceonological reléves and the obtained data was evaluated using a multidimensional analysis of ecological data (CCA). The largest number of plant species was in the grass-covered inter-space between rows. The smallest number of plant species was in the place below the grapevine. The extraction method was used to evaluate the soil seedbank. The largest number of seeds were found in soil samples from the cultivated inter-space between rows. The most common species of weeds were Amaranthus sp., Portulaca oleracea, Chenopodium album and Stellaria media. Based on the results, we can state that the maintenance management of the vineyard has a statistically significant impact on the actual weed infestation and the soil seedbank. In the second part it was evaluated the efficacy of the different concentrations of herbicides Basta15 and Touchdown quattro on selected weeds. Basta15 had sufficient efficacy at species Bromus hordaceus and Tripleurospermum perforatum. Touchdown quattro had sufficient efficacy at species Arrhenatherum elatius, Bromus hordeaceus, Lolium perenne and Tripleurospermum perforatum. None of the herbicides had sufficient efficacy at Convolvulus arvensis. |