Samodistributivní kvazigrupy velikosti 2^k

Autor: Nagy, Tomáš
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Druh dokumentu: masterThesis
Popis: We present the theory of selfdistributive quasigroups and the construction of non-affine selfdistributive quasigroup of size 216 that was presented by Onoi in 1970 and which was the least known example of such structure of size 2k. Based on this construction, we introduce the notion of Onoi structures and Onoi mappings between them which generalizes Onoi's construction and which allows us to construct non-affine selfdistributive quasigroups of size 22k for k ≥ 3. We present and implement algorithm for finding central extensions of self- distributive quasigroups which enables us to classify non-affine selfdistributive quasigroups of size 2k and prove that those quasigroup exists exactly for k ≥ 6, k ̸= 7. We use this algorithm also in order to better understand the structure of non-affine selfdistributive quasigroups of size 26. 1
Databáze: Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations