Předsedové senátů Mimořádného lidového soudu v Jihlavě (Třebíči) a jejich role v retribučním procesu (1945-1947)

Autor: Hanák, Zdeněk
Jazyk: čeština
Rok vydání: 2019
Druh dokumentu: masterThesis
Popis: ( in English) In this Diploma Thesis the activity of Extraordinary People's Court in Jihlava during the first phase of restitution period (1945-1947) is investigated via the means of a case study. Todate investigations of retribution courts have been focused on the analysis of retributive judgments. This thesis differs from the earlier ones namely in the angle of view on retribution court's activity. The research is concentrated on the administrative operation of the retribution court in Jihlava (i.e. on the activity of retribution court head and their deputies) and on the role of individual retribution senate heads. The decision making of retribution court is not looked at only as a result of court's operation, but individual court senates' operation is subject of analysis here. Particular criminal cases are taken into account only when there is an assumption that they help to uncover day-to-day working habits of judicial officers, or, potentially, they are related to the person of the head of senate, or the filed material in its content gets beyond standard retribution proceedings at Jihlava retribution court. The thesis has used mainly sources of official origin filed with the Regional Archive in Brno, the National Archive, and the Security Services Archive.
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