Reoferéza - klinický význam reologických, technických a dalších hemaferetických ukazatelů účinnosti, nežádoucí účinky a ekonomika

Autor: Lánská, Miriam
Jazyk: čeština
Rok vydání: 2018
Druh dokumentu: Doctoral Thesis
Popis: SUMARY RHEOHEMAPHERESIS - Clinical Importance of Rheological, Technical and Further Hemapheretic Indicators of Effectivity, Side-effects and Economy INTRODUCTION: (Haema)rheopheresis combines the possibilities of haemapheresis (a therapeutic method that is focused on the separation of blood components) and medical rheology (a field of science studying blood fluidity and applying the results of this research to clinical practice in pathological impairments, mainly in the area of microcirculation). The rationale of the effect of rheopheresis (RF): the procedures simultaneously eliminate the exactly defined spectrum of rheologically relevant high-molecular proteins. An immediate pulse reduction of plasma viscosity and viscosity of full blood occurs, which can lead to subsequent permanent "recovery" of the microcirculation with the use of a series of procedures and significantly change the natural course of chronic therapy. RF has been tested in several diseases. This study involves the use of rheopheresis in the dry form of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and sudden idiopathic sensorineural hearing loss - SISHL. The research was aimed at the optimisation of own modification of rheopheresis, effectivity of procedures, search for the markers of immediate efficacy and prognosis, evaluation of safety and...
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