Porovnání a optimalizace měření single-echo a multi-echo BOLD fMRI dat

Autor: Kovářová, Anežka
Jazyk: čeština
Rok vydání: 2018
Druh dokumentu: masterThesis
Popis: This master’s thesis deals with functional magnetic resonance and monitoring of the effect of acquisition acceleration methods on the quality of functional images and observed BOLD signal. The basic principles of magnetic resonance imaging, the explanation of the specifics of functional magnetic resonance and the formation and scanning of BOLD signal are described here. Subsequently, there is the definition of fMRI experiment and description of sequences used for fMRI, focusing on aquisition acceleration techniques. The influence of sequence parameters on image quality and the data processing methods are explained aftewards. The practical part describes the parameters of used sequences, the acquisition procedure and the task for the subject during aquisition. Data from 26 healthy volunteers were obtained and analyzed afterwards. Based on this, the differencesbetween the different sequence variants were evaluated and the initial assumption that the multi-echo acquisition yields better results with faster measurements than single-echo was confirmed.
Databáze: Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations