Časově rozlišená fluorescence ve výzkumu interakcí hyaluronanu a koloidních systémů

Autor: Mondek, Jakub
Jazyk: čeština
Rok vydání: 2018
Druh dokumentu: Doctoral Thesis
Popis: The aim of the doctoral thesis was to study advanced fluorescence techniques and its use in colloids or hyaluronan-surfactant systems and hydrogels based on hyaluronan, respectively. Steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence were used to study excited state proton transfer fluroescen probes in hyaluronan-surfactant systems to asses the influence of hyaluronan hydration to its interactions with oppositely charged surfactants. Firstly, different excited state proton transfer fluorescence probes were discussed to choose the most suitable candidate for next research. The influence of hyaluronan on inner environment of micells was determined based on the sensitivity of excited state proton transfer of chosen fluorescence probe 1-naphtol and, based on above mentioned experiments, the structure of hyaluronan hydration shell was discussed. The next part of doctoral thesis was focused on fluorescence lifetime correlation spectroscopy and on the development of method of nanorheology. Measured correlation functions were transformed to mean square displacement with developed MATLAB script. Firstly, the fluorescence method was compared with well described methods such as videomicrorheology and dynamic light scattering to asses the reliability of fluorescence correlation spectroscopy in microrheology. Secondly, nanorheology method was developed and its use in passive nanorheology of hyaluronan hydrogels was discussed. Based on mentioned experiments, the fluorescence correlation spectroscopy microrheology and nanorheology methods were optimized to use the methods in hydrogel research.
Databáze: Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations