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4 CoNcl-usroxs PnonucrroN oF tNrEcRtN CDI lb/CDlg F Four fragments of the subunit cDilb were produced and purified and then they were used for immunization of mice and for preparation of specific antibodíes. detected that 52 cells are not able to transport effectively this subunit to cell surface or to secrete its extracellular domain into medium and not even it has a signal peptide specific for 52 cells. Further it has been shorvn, that the level of production of CDl8 subunit was not affected by usage of constitutive or inducible plasmid. ANALYSIS oF THE |NTERÁCTIoN oF RTx ToxINs w|TH p2 INTEGRINS - THE RoLE oF THT, GLYCOSYLATION OF RECEPTORS IN BINDINC ON RTX TOXIN of cell surface glycoproteins, suggesting that cyaA binding to the cell surface- expressed cDllb/cDl8 integrin fully depends on its glycolsylation. It has been a|so demonstrated. that the deglycosylation did not affected ťormation of CD I I b/CD l8 heterodimer or its expression to cell surface. inhibited in the presence ofonly saccharide units that occur in the oligosaccharide chain of integrin molecule. This demonstrates, that cyaA directry recognizes the N-linked oligosaccharide chain ofits p2 integrin recepror. CD l I b/CD I 8-expressing cells. cytotoxic activity of others RTX toxins. l5... |