Vliv steroidních hormonů na pohlavně dimorfní růst kostí gekonů

Autor: Tureček, Adam
Jazyk: čeština
Rok vydání: 2017
Druh dokumentu: masterThesis
Popis: The sexual size dimorphism (SSD) is widespread among animals but proximate mechanisms of its ontogeny are still poorly understood even in important groups of vertebrates such as reptiles. Previous experiments in geckos showed that growth of both sexes slows substantially at their older age. Their SSD develops considerably a long time after sexual maturity, it is associated with earlier growth deceleration in the smaller sex and it is controlled by ovarian rather than testicular steroids. The aim of the thesis was to explore the previous knowledge by studying the ontogenesis of the sexually-dimorphic bone growth of the gecko Paroedura picta, the male- larger species with the most explored proximate mechanisms of SSD among geckos. I was most interested in the ontogeny of the growth plates activity and the epiphyseal ossification of the femur in both sexes and their relationship to age, body length, gonadal activity and levels of sex-specific steroids (estradiol and testosterone). The results show that P. picta has determinate growth and that epiphyseal ossification does not contribute to the SSD. The femoral growth plates close at the same age in both sexes; however, their closure occurs at smaller body length in females than in males. In the context of this and the previous studies, estradiol or other...
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