Popírání holocaustu a jiných zločinů z pohledu mezinárodní ochrany lidských práv (svoboda projevu)

Autor: Prokešová, Lucie
Jazyk: čeština
Rok vydání: 2016
Druh dokumentu: masterThesis
Popis: Denial of the Holocaust and other crimes from the perspective of the international protection of human rights (freedom of expression) This thesis discusses the conflict between the freedom of expression and other rights and values guaranteed by the European Convention on Human Rights, which are affected by denial of the Holocaust and other crimes. Freedom of expression is a relative fundamental right that can be limited in order to protect other protected rights and values. In cases of denial of the Holocaust and other crimes, freedom of expression can be limited in the interests of the protection of the dignity of victims and prevention of disorder or crime. The aim of this thesis is to provide a comprehensive view on the issue of denial of the Holocaust and other crimes in the light of freedom of expression in the European Court of Human Rights case law. The first part provides definition of the relationship between Holocaust denial and freedom of expression from the perspective of international law, the characteristics of freedom of expression and its limits, and the role and proceeding of the European Court of Human Rights in the case of conflict between freedom of expression and other rights and values. The second part is dedicated to the European Court of Human Rights case law concerning the...
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