Studium fluidních inkluzí v pegmatitech z Vepic a Vlastějovic

Autor: Surmová, Petra
Jazyk: čeština
Rok vydání: 2015
Druh dokumentu: masterThesis
Popis: Fluid inclusions of pegmatites from two localities in the Moldanubina Zone were studied in order to constrain PT conditions of their crystallization and establish composition and properties of fluids associated with pegmatite formation. The first locality is Vepice near Tábor, second locality is Vlastějovice near Zruč nad Sázavou. Pegmatit of Vepice consists of irregular pockets in amphibole- biotic granite dark type to a porphyric syenodioritot Čertova břemene. Fluid inclusions have been studied in several cm large quartz crystals of miarolic cavities from the central zone pegmatites pockets within the central zone of the pegmatite pockets. The collected fluids are aqueous- type with a low salt content (usually in the range of 4-6 hm% NaClekv. Pegmatites in Vepice among the complex Y-REE-Nb-Ta-Ti pegmatites. In terms of PT conditions pegmatites belong to the classification of rare element pegmatite or miarolitic's pegmatites. The studied sample of Vlastějovice (skarn's body) represented a transition from quartz-feldspar pegmatite lithium zone to zone with predominance of quartz (quartz core). Only one sample was studied, which originated from the historical collections F. Čech (Čech, 1985). The sample is an exceptional presence of large quantities of the solid phase (up to 4-5 stages). Using Raman...
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