Vietnamská válka za prezidentství Lyndona B. Johnsona (1963-1969)

Autor: Adámek, Václav
Jazyk: čeština
Rok vydání: 2010
Druh dokumentu: masterThesis
Popis: Second indo-Chinese war between communist North Vietnam and non-communist South Vietnam has become the longest war incident in twentieth century. President Johnson who inherited this problem after tragic assassination in November 1963 led USA into the war in Southeast Asia. L. B. Johnson preserves continuity of foreign politics of USA with President Kennedy's politics. USA strictly supported South Vietnam and was ready to risk an open war for its regime. The incident in Tonkin Gulf in August 1964 led to escalation of the war. A tension developed during next months when North Vietnam departed to guerilla war. The reaction of USA to guerilla war was huge bombing of North Vietnam and as well deploying thousands of American soldiers into service in land war operations. President Johnson's political credit was decreasing fast. An essential twist occurred in the beginning of the year 1968. Vietcong (South Vietnamese communist) and North Vietnam army launched the widest offensive during Vietnamese conflict on feast day Tet. Victorious wars become a fiasco under view of cameras and medias. After Tet offensive it was no longer possible to speak about USA victory. Medias, people and public opinion was not willing to continue in jungle war. President Johnson changed some top officers in army and personally announced...
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