Vliv politiky zaměstnanosti na postavení osob 50+ na trhu práce: případová studie okresu Vsetín

Autor: Zemanová, Iva
Jazyk: čeština
Rok vydání: 2011
Druh dokumentu: masterThesis
Popis: The thesis: "Influence of employment politics on situation of people at the age of 50 + on the labour market: Case study of the Vsetín district" deals with problems of older people's position on the labour market in the Czech Republic focusing on the Vsetín district and influence of employment policy on this position. This thesis characterizes the group of people at the age of 50 and more as labour power and deals with their strategies on the labour market. It also deals with employment policy of the European Union related to the group of people at the age of 50 and more on the labour market and analyses strategic documents of the Czech Republic solving these problems in detail. Furthermore this thesis focuses on the employment policy of the Czech Republic, mainly on analysis of functions, possibilities, limits and influence of chosen tools of the active employment policy on the lowering of the number of the unemployed people who belong to the above mentioned age-group on the labour market. It evaluates these tools in detail and shows which of these examined tools have the biggest influence on the lowering of the number of the unemployed older people. In the practical part it deals with case study of a practical example of a possible solution of the problem of unemployment of people at the age of...
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