Možnosti využití rostlinných stimulátorů jako prostředku pro omezení důsledků vláhového deficitu při pěstování zeleniny

Autor: Doležalová, Jitka
Jazyk: čeština
Rok vydání: 2016
Druh dokumentu: Doctoral Thesis
Popis: Field and laboratory experiments were conducted to investigate the influence of a synthetic brassinolide and Atonik on the growth and yield of onion (Allium cepa L.; cultivars ´Alice´ and ´Lusy´) and head lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var. capitata; cultivars ´Maršálus´, ´Mars´ and ´Santoro´) grown at two irrigation levels. The treatment with brassinolide (1 nM) and Atonik (0.05 %) promoted germination at the beginning of the experiment in the onion (cultivar ´Alice´). The results also showed varietal differences in response to the treatments. In field trials under conditions with optimal irrigation the influence of the treatments with synthetic brassinolide in the onion (cultivar ´Alice´) was proven on the mass of the individual bulbs and yield in 2013. In the case of reduced irrigation, the treatment with a concentration of 1 nM had a statistically significant positive influence on the mass of the individual bulbs (2013) and yield (2012) in the cultivar ´Alice´. With the cultivar ´Lusy´, the treatment with a concentration of 1 nM and 0.01 nM significantly increased the marketable yield relative to the control variant (2012). The results of laboratory experiments showed that treatment of lettuce plants in the initial stage of the development with 1nM solution of synthetic brassinolide can be used to limit the consequences of reduced moisture conditions. Significant increase of marketable heads was noted after treatment with synthetic brassinolide in filed experiments (head lettuce - cultivar ´Santoro´). There were no significant differences among the ascorbic acid /nitrates contents of the treated vegetables. The results confirmed that it was possible to reduce the negative impact of the water deficit in the cultivation of onion and lettuce with growth stimulants. It is, however, necessary to bear in mind which parameter of the plants should be affected and last but not least also the varying sensitivity of the species and cultivars to the treatment.
Databáze: Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations