Efektivnost opatření podporujících vznik nových odbytových organizací v České, Slovenské a Polské republice

Autor: Kotyza, Pavel
Jazyk: čeština
Rok vydání: 2016
Druh dokumentu: Doctoral Thesis
Popis: Presented dissertation theses is focused on evaluation of efficiency of public support to agricultural producer group establishment. Historical development of agricultural sector influenced the difference of Czechoslovakian and Polish agriculture. Despite the differences, governments of the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland decided to provide public support for newly established producer groups after EU accession. Main aim of this analyses is to compare how money were provided to newly established producer groups in above mentioned countries and to assess efficiency of spend money. Main part of the theses is focused on measures provided during part of the first postaccession Programming Period 2004 when 2006. Between 2007 and 2013, support was provided only in Poland and Slovakia, the Czech Republic did not used the opportunity to open measure for new entities. Own analytical part is focused on measure evaluation through subject identification. Supported subjects were examined whether they follow main conditions of recognition or whether they fulfil main theoretical prerequisite for operation as marketing cooperative. Subject examination was based on own methodology that was developed on the bases of literature overview. Evaluation was based following indicators (i) share of marketed production on the total agricultural output of the country; (ii) market share on the relevant market and created value added. Results of the theses indicate, that part of supported producer groups were established solely in order to gain easy access to public money. Groups share on relevant market is negligible, goals of market concentration were not met. Groups value added is low. This fact is mainly caused by observed characteristics groups often does not own any investment assets, does not have any employees. After receiving last payment, groups were closed, transformed into other business activity or its ownership structure were changed In the Czech Republic. In Poland, established groups reach the lowest significant market share, subjects were closed and reestablished to source subsequent support. Slovak groups that reached on support from Programming Period 2007 when 2013 evince negative value added as their trading margin was negligible or null.
Databáze: Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations