Vyhodnocení růstu výsadeb buku lesního (Fagus sylvatica L.) v závislosti na použitém sadebním materiálu a stanovištně ekologických podmínkách.

Autor: Florián, Tomáš
Jazyk: čeština
Rok vydání: 2015
Druh dokumentu: masterThesis
Popis: On the Forest district Strašice, which is located at the Division Hořovice, Military Forests and Farms was founded in 2012 eight plots on 4 wooded clearings. Boots were afforested beech (Fagus sylvatica L.). Forestation was on these plots used simpleroot planting stock a indoorroot planting stock. Another criterion was the intensity of sunlight seedlings (permanent sunshine / shading; during the day changing insolation). The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the growth of seedlings depending on the planting stock and intensity of solar radiation. Subsequently, the proposed recommendations, which would be appropriate to deal with in practice. Seedlings were permanently marked with a unique letter and number. From 2012 until 2014 at the end of the growing season measured growth variables - root collar diameter, height of seedlings, height increment, quality features and mortality. Top maturing seedlings on an area where it was used in afforestation simpleroot planting stock material and irradiation area during the day alternating shading. Not permanently sunlit and shaded. On the contrary, indoorroot planting stock material is higher on permanently sunlit area than in permanently shaded. This result is identical to the results of other well-oriented work. The results and conclusions of this thesis is planted beech recommendations on areas where direct exposure varies during the day with the shading (light - shadow). However, it is not always possible and feasible, in terms of the internal structure of vegetation planted beech at said place. It is therefore possible to plant bare planting material surfaces with extreme lighting conditions (areas permanently sunlit or shaded). But what concerns simpleroot planting stock material it is advisable to observe the fact that much better grows in areas with favorable conditions (areas with alternating irradiation and shading). It is also necessary to comply with environmental requirements beech. Always determine the most appropriate place on the bare surface (Clearfelling) for the planting of beech. Use only high quality planting material conforming to CSN 482115. Professional supervision forester at cut the grass work quality and functionality over the fence, and thus mitigate damage by animals. Therefore seek the highest possible representation of planted trees (to comply with the statutory requirements for supportability) due to the selection of the best individuals in the education and creating the future quality and healthy growth.
Databáze: Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations