Komplex bytových domů, Praha - Jarov, stavebně technologická příprava stavby

Autor: Komenda, Tomáš
Jazyk: čeština
Rok vydání: 2016
výkres bednění svislých a vodorovných konstrukcí
kontaktní zateplovací systém
návod na užívání bytové jednotky.
proudová výstavba
projekt zařízení staveniště
Stavebně technologický projekt přípravy výstavby
mounting of aperture fillings
kontrolní a zkušební plán
building site equipment project
flat houses
montáž výplní otvorů
Building technology preparation of construction
blueprint of formwork for vertical and horizontal constructions
rozpočet zařízení staveniště
ŽB monolitický skelet
building site equipment calculation
časový plán
položkový rozpočet
detailed study
contact insulation system
equipment set
reinforced concrete scelet
manual on how to use housing units.
strojní sestava
time plan
stream construction
itemized budget
bytové domy
hluková studie
control and probationary plan
Druh dokumentu: masterThesis
Popis: The goal of this diploma thesis is to create a building technology project for construction of 4 flat houses within stage 3a. of the building project „Green town of Prague – Jarov, phase II“. The flat houses are in two pairs interconnected by basement, each is a 7 floor high reinforced concrete building with flat roof and is functionally connected to others by a terrace garden system. This document focuses on organisation and preparation of the construction. It includes building site equipment, cost calculation for setting up and servicing of the building site with graphical illustrations for selected construction phases. Additionally a detailed time schedule was created with a proposal for stream construction of the reinforced concrete scelet and lining in the pairs of interconnected buildings. A realization study of the main technological phases was also prepared. The diploma thesis covers in detail construction of reinforced steel scelet and circumferential casing including a layer of contact insulation system. A blueprint of formwork for walls and ceiling is included in the manual for construction of reinforced steel scelet. On these particular actions probationary and control plans were added. The required machinery set with detailed placement was also drafted. An itemized budget for the main building was prepared as well. Attached to this document is a detailed manual on how to use housing units including repairs and revisions plan for next 30 years. Part of this diploma thesis is also a detailed study covering the construction in relation to the surronding living and educational areas.
Databáze: Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations